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Taylor Schmidt

What brought you to Auburn and to your major?
I have always known that I wanted to be an engineer. While cleaning out my old school files in my parent’s house, I found a school notebook from 7th grade where I wrote that I wanted to be a civil engineer when I grew up. The reputation of Auburn’s engineering department brought me to Auburn and I am extremely glad that it did.

Tell me your story about your path since graduation regarding your career?
I worked for a general contractor as an assistant project manager after graduation. I helped oversee the construction of a building and parking lot expansion. This position gave me valuable construction experience that has benefitted me throughout my career. After working for the general contractor for a year, I took a project engineer position with Barge Design Solutions that allowed me to design transportation-related projects for cities, counties, and state departments of transportation. I transitioned into a project manager role with the company after I received my PE license so now I manage multi-discipline projects throughout Alabama.  

How did your Auburn engineering education prepare you for what you are doing now?
The Auburn engineering education prepared me for my career by teaching me how to think critically. Every project that I manage or design has unique problems that need to be solved. These problems require critical thinking so I can evaluate different ideas and concepts to determine the best solution for the current situation.

What advice would you give students at Auburn?
My advice to Auburn students is to enjoy your time while in school because the years pass quickly. I made great memories and friends that I still talk to today while at Auburn. Also, take advantage of the resources for students that Auburn offers (e.g., tutoring, resume reviews, and mock interviews).

What is your favorite Auburn memory or War Eagle moment?
My favorite Auburn memory is the football team winning the national championship in 2010. The celebration at Toomer’s Corner after the game was an amazing experience.