From the Dean

From the Dean

From the Dean

It’s hard to believe this academic year has come to a close, along with my first year serving as dean of the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering.

by × May 16, 2024 ×
From the Dean

From the Dean

I am honored to address you — our alumni, faculty, staff, friends and corporate partners — in this first issue of Auburn Engineer during my tenure as the new dean of the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering. Serving this phenomenal college and the Department of Chemical Engineering for the past […]

by × December 7, 2023 ×
From the Dean

From the Dean

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year, and my time serving as interim dean of Auburn University’s Samuel Ginn College of Engineering has come to an end. Dr. Mario Eden has been named as the college’s 14th dean, and we are all thrilled to have him lead the college […]

by × May 19, 2023 ×
From the Dean

From the Dean

This year, as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering and the College of Agriculture at Auburn University, we reflect upon the impact our college and graduates have made on our state, our region, our country and our world. While this year has been a time of change in the college, it has been one of the most exciting times here at Auburn in my more than 30 years with the university.

by × December 15, 2022 ×
From the President

From the President

Ten years. It’s been 10 years since I assumed the role of dean of the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering and what a decade of growth, of accomplishments, of a renewed commitment to being the best student-centered engineering experience in America. In this issue — my last as dean — I am excited to share with you the accomplishments of not only the past year, but also to reflect on how far we’ve come in the past decade, together.

by × May 13, 2022 ×
From the Dean

From the Dean

One year ago, our campus was filled with uncertainty. As COVID-19 ravaged our nation, a vaccine on the horizon gave us hope for a return to normalcy. One year later, we are almost there. This fall, for the first time since March 2020, Auburn University returned to a new “normal.” […]

by × December 17, 2021 ×
From the Dean

From the Dean

Over a year ago, everything changed. COVID-19 had spread through the United States, virtually shutting down life as we know it. But it could not stop the Auburn spirit.

by × May 19, 2021 ×
From the Dean

From the Dean

It’s hard to believe that we are more than nine months into alternate operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And while 2020 has presented more challenges than we could have ever imagined, I could not be more proud of how resilient our students, faculty and staff have been through it all.

by × December 14, 2020 ×
Dean’s Message, Spring 2020

Dean’s Message, Spring 2020

I hope this message finds you well during these unprecedented times.

by × June 7, 2020 ×
Dean Roberts and students.

From the Dean

It’s hard to believe the fall semester has already come to a close, but the latter half of 2019 has been an exciting time for Auburn Engineering. In July, our country celebrated the 50th anniversary of one of the greatest accomplishments in human history — landing on the moon. In […]

by × December 20, 2019 ×