

Dr. Bryan Beckingham

Mary and John H. Sanders Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering

Director, Center for Polymers and Advanced Composites

Graduate Program Officer, Polymer & Fiber Engineering

Samuel Ginn College of Engineering, Auburn University

Postdoctoral Fellows              

Dr. Adam Bachmann – Polymer Patterning/ Fabrication

Current Graduate Students

Pravin Aravindhan (5th year PhD, CHEN) – Membranes!

Yi-hung Lin (5th year PhD, CHEN) – Membranes!

Harish Kumar Senthil Kumar (4th year PhD, CHEN) – 3D printing!

Rianna Rivera (2nd year PhD, CHEN) – Porous Media!

Sarah Gaston (1st year PhD, PFEN) – Silicones!


John Stockdale (1st year PhD, PFEN)

Logan Hikes (1st year PhD, PFEN)

Syed Readwan Ahmed (1st year PhD, CHEN)

Nicolas Ulrich (1st year PhD, CHEN)

Undergraduate Students 

Current students: 

  1. Madelyn Torrance
  2. Chase Morgese
  3. Nailah Braziel 
  4. Josh Deutschendorf

Past Students:

  1. Ryan Wozniak ’24 (Currently at UPenn, PhD)
  2. Jessica Brouillette ’24 (Currently at Heersink School of Medicine, MD)
  3. Tymirrah Brown
  4. Sean Gannon
  5. Harrison Edwards
  6. Matthew Hajazin
  7. Camylle Lollar
  8. Mae Baird
  9. Barbara Allen
  10. Samantha Lawson
  11. Garret Taylor
  12. Jacob Johnson
  13. Christopher Nuckels ’21 (AL Department of Environmental Management)
  14. Brock Hunter ’22 (Currently at U. Delaware, PhD)
  15. Lingyu Zhou
  16. Minjae Jung,
  17. Krish Patel,
  18. Lily Gong ’21 (Currently at Rice University, PhD)
  19. Tina Huang ’21
  20. Sean Baxter ’21
  21. Tucker Sparks ‘20
  22. Alisa Mobley ’20
  23. Jihyuk Kim ‘19 (Currently at U. Delaware, PhD)
  24. Claudia Hu ‘19 (Currently at RPI, PhD)
  25. Xinyu Hou ‘19 
  26. Avery Bush ‘18

Please contact me to talk further about potential opportunities in the Group.


  1. Antara Mazumder (PhD CHEN 2024) Post-doc at Georgia Tech University
  2. Yorae Noh (Post Doc 2023) is now at Michigan State University as an Assistant professor in the school of packaging.
  3. Vinita Vinod Shinde (PhD CHEN 2022) is now at Eastman
  4. Yuyang Wang (PhD PFEN 2022)
  5. Jung Min Kim (Luca) (PhD CHEN 2021) Post-doc at U. of Virginia
  6. Breanna M. Dobyns (PhD CHEN 2020) Post-doc at U. of South Alabama
  7. Michael J. Minkler Jr. (PhD CHEN 2020) now at Milliken
  8. Vimal Thakkur (MS-NT PFEN 2020) now at Life Floor
  9. Shreyas Shelke (MS PFEN 2019) PhD student at U. Mass. Lowell
  10. Sneha B. Chakrapani (MS CHEN 2019) now at Syngene International