Recent Articles

2014 Lifetime Achievement Awards

2014 Lifetime Achievement Awards

Each year, the Auburn Alumni Association recognizes individuals with its Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding achievements in their professional lives, personal integrity and stature, and service to the university. Established in 2001, the award honors extraordinary accomplishments by members of the Auburn family. Four individuals, which include three Auburn Engineering […]

by × July 9, 2014 ×
State of Alabama Engineering Hall of Fame

State of Alabama Engineering Hall of Fame

The State of Alabama Engineering Hall of Fame honors, preserves and perpetuates the outstanding accomplishments and contributions of individuals, corporations, institutions and projects that continue to bring significant recognition to the state. The 2014 induction ceremony was held in February in Tuscaloosa with six new individuals being inducted, including two […]

by × July 9, 2014 ×
Gifts that transform

Gifts that transform

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” – William James A commitment to become one of the top engineering programs in the country is no small undertaking. It takes great effort on the part of many people, both outside and within the college. As the Samuel Ginn […]

by × July 9, 2014 ×
Laundry by the ton

Laundry by the ton

Every good set of instructions on washing clothes includes the advice to wash whites with whites and not use bleach on colored items. It is doubtful however, that most of those instructions delineate how to wash thousands of pounds of laundry – all at once. For Tillis Brett, ’59 industrial […]

by × July 9, 2014 ×
We gotta fly

We gotta fly

The Auburn University Rocket Team, consisting of eight engineering students and two advisers, is taking to heart Def Leppard’s lyrics ‘We gotta fly’ from its 1987 hit song “Rocket.” The team competed in the NASA University Student Launch Initiative (USLI) in Salt Lake City in May as one of 37 […]

by × July 9, 2014 ×
You’re a good man, Charlie Miller

You’re a good man, Charlie Miller

For many, the college experience is a means to significantly broaden one’s education. For others, it is the opportunity to make friends of a lifetime. For Charlie Miller, ’80 civil engineering, it was both. Growing up in Louisville, Ky., Miller’s parents strongly encouraged him to explore college options that would allow […]

by × July 9, 2014 ×
“I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and hands to work skillfully…”

“I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and hands to work skillfully…”

Two Auburn Engineering students are fulfilling the Auburn Creed through the successful creation and launch of their inventions for the annual Business Plan Contest for Engineering Inventions, sponsored by Auburn’s Thomas Walter Center for Technology Management. Haitham Eletrabi, doctoral student in civil engineering, and Matthew Phillips, senior in aerospace engineering, placed first […]

by × July 9, 2014 ×

Decade of success

On April 24, the Department of Polymer and Fiber Engineering celebrated 10 years at Auburn University, following a name change from textile engineering to better reflect the evolving industry. The department hosted an open house for alumni, faculty, staff and students which included tours of the processing lab, composites lab […]

by × July 8, 2014 ×
From the dean

From the dean

As a typical engineer, my natural tendency is to use quantitative metrics in evaluating the performance of a system. This is particularly true when I consider the tremendous progress that our college has made in the area of research, and the impact that our graduate programs are making even beyond […]

by × December 5, 2013 ×
5 Minutes With… Steve Duke

5 Minutes With… Steve Duke

After serving 17 years in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Steve Duke is eagerly embracing his new role as the college’s associate dean for academics. After graduating from Georgia Tech, and working in Texas, Duke moved to Illinois where he earned his master’s and doctorate in chemical engineering. He moved […]

by × December 4, 2013 ×