Be the Creed: Jessica Taylor
When Jessica Taylor encounters a prospective student on a tour of the college, she understands where they’re coming from.
When Jessica Taylor encounters a prospective student on a tour of the college, she understands where they’re coming from.
Small-town girl. Big ambitions. It’s a timeless tale, and Jada Neal is living it out one extra mile at a time.
Tony Smoke was the first person in his family to attend college, and he is committed to making that jump possible for tomorrow’s engineers through his family scholarship in the College of Engineering.
Leadership by example is paramount to Dean Hendrix.
If you want to stump Christian Brodbeck, ask him to pick a line of the Auburn Creed that best describes his role.
Ayden Kemp embodied the Auburn Creed before he knew Auburn was the perfect place for him. Growing up in a military family full of aerospace engineers, he already knew what it meant to believe in work, hard work.
Jani Sarratt Bowen was raised under the Auburn Creed in an Auburn-educated family. Now, she lives out the ideals outlined in the Creed every day through her own Auburn journey.
Jorge Rueda quickly realized that Auburn University was home after his arrival in August 2016.
Distance courses have been available in the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering since most people owned VCRs and distance students received tape-recorded courses in the mail. Thanks to three decades of technology and COVID-19, things are much different now.
When it comes to STEM education, Fatemeh Jamshidi believes that there are several keys to success. And 88 of them are ivory.