Faculty Highlights: Fall 2018

Lauren Beckingham, assistant professor of civil engineering, was awarded a $110,000 grant from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund to research fracture permeability evolution during enhanced oil recovery.




BevelyScott MartinDavid Bevly, the Bill and Lana McNair Professor of mechanical engineering, and Scott Martin, assistant research professor of mechanical engineering, were awarded $735,000 from Integrated Solutions for Systems for various GPS and navigation research projects. They were also awarded $405,000 from CALSTART for truck platooning research and $300,000 from SPARTA Inc. for satellite positioning research.


Lorenzo CremaschiLorenzo Cremaschi, associate professor of mechanical engineering, has received a grant of more than $150,000 from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers to fund research in the state-of-the-art Building Energy and Thermal Systems Lab.




Selen Cremaschi, B. Redd Associate Professor of chemical engineering, was named in the Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research journal’s 2018 Class of Influential Researchers. She was also awarded a $255,614 grant from Chevron Energy Technology Co. for her research on uncertainty quantification and reduction in multiphase flow predictions.




Virginia Davis, the Alumni Professor of chemical engineering, was invited to join the editorial board of the journal PLOS One.




Sean Gallagher, the Hal N. and Peggy S. Pennington Associate Professor of industrial and systems engineering, was named a fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. He was also awarded a $274,662 grant from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health for his research on the linkage between fatigue failure in musculoskeletal tissues and musculoskeletal injuries.




Greg Harris, associate professor of industrial and systems engineering and director of the Southern Alliance for Advanced Vehicle Manufacturing, was awarded a $322,849 grant from the National Institute for Standards and Technology for research on developing a distributed manufacturing network.




Roy Hartfield, professor of aerospace engineering, delivered an invited keynote address at the International Symposium on Electric Aviation and Autonomous Systems in Kiev, Ukraine on Oct. 11. The title of the keynote was “Aero-Propulsive Flight Mechanics for 21st Century Aircraft Design.” He also received the Hermann Oberth Award from the Greater Huntsville Section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.




Pradeep Lall, the John and Anne MacFarlane Professor of mechanical engineering and director of the Center for Advanced Vehicle and Extreme Environment Electronics, was awarded IEEE’s outstanding Sustained Technical Contributions Award. His research was also highlighted at the NextFlex Innovation Day, an event that showcases cutting-edge flexible electronics.



BevelyScott MartinJin Wang, the Walt and Virginia Woltosz Professor of chemical engineering, and Peter He, associate professor of chemical engineering, were awarded a $1.1 million grant from the Department of Energy for their research on methanotroph-photoautotroph interactions for biogas conversions to fuel.



Jeff LaMondia, associate professor of civil engineering, was selected to serve on the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety Travel Survey Expert Panel.





Elizabeth Lipke, the Mary and John H. Sanders Associate Professor of chemical engineering, is directing a $960,600 program that will train six doctoral fellows in the area of biomaterials engineering and biomanufacturing. The interdisciplinary program is sponsored by a U.S. Department of Education grant.




Joseph Majdalani, the Francis Chair of aerospace engineering, was awarded a $386,553 grant from the National Science Foundation for his research on predicting and mitigating undesirable acoustic phenomena in combustors and power generation systems.




Shiwen Mao, the Samuel Ginn Professor of electrical and computer engineering and director of the Wireless Engineering Research and Education Center, was elected a fellow of the IEEE for his contributions to wireless multimedia networking.




Mark Schall, assistant professor of industrial and systems engineering, received a Mentored Research Scientist Development Award from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. The project, worth $324,000, is titled “Advancing Workplace Safety Surveillance with Ambulatory Inertial Sensors.”




Joseph Shaeiwitz, visiting professor of chemical engineering, co-authored the fifth edition of the textbook “Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes.”





Alice Smith, the Joe W. Forehand/Accenture Distinguished Professor in the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering, was appointed to a three-year term as editor-in-chief of the INFORMS Journal on Computing. Her term begins Jan. 1, 2019.




Yin Sun, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, received a $250,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for his research on a new concept called the Age of Information. He also received a $237,000 grant from the Office of Naval Research for his work on developing novel network control algorithms.




David UmphressDean HendrixDavid Umphress, the COLSA Corporation Cyber Security and Information Assurance professor of computer science and software engineering and director of the Auburn Cyber Research Center, and Dean Hendrix, associate professor of computer science and software engineering, were awarded $750,000 from the Army’s Program Executive Office Missiles and Space to assess the cybersecurity vulnerability of air defense systems.

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