What’s New: As Paul Harvey used to say, we’re moving “the rest of the story.”

You already know that the College of Engineering has a new and improved online edition of the alumni magazine you know and love. But there’s more…

Want to keep track of the college’s news as it happens? Our newly designed college newsroom features stories and highlights from our faculty and students. Visit eng.auburn.edu/news

Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and Twitter for the latest in news, events and happenings on campus by heading
to eng.auburn.edu/twitter
or eng.auburn.edu/facebook

There is only so much room on a printed page, which is why we have taken our images to the web. Find the college on Flickr to see the latest photos of what’s happening on campus and share them with your friends. Photo galleries feature magazine imagery, events, alumni activities, student projects and more at eng.auburn.edu/flickr

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