Recent Articles

Detailing a Disaster

Taylor Rawlinson, doctoral candidate in the Department of Civil Engineering, was selected as one of three students nationwide to spend a month in Japan researching the massive 9.0-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami that rocked the country last March. Rawlinson, who is concentrating his research in structures engineering, began work in […]

by × June 7, 2012 ×

At the Helm

Auburn alumna Susan Story, ’82 industrial and systems engineering, has been recognized with the prestigious Institute of Industrial Engineers’ Captain of Industry award honoring leaders in business, industry and government. Story is president and CEO of Southern Company Services. She joined Southern Company in 1982 as a nuclear power plant […]

by × June 7, 2012 ×

Summer of Flight

Saad Biaz, faculty member in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, and Gilbert Crouse, faculty member in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, have received more than $320,000 from the National Science Foundation and the Department of Defense to continue hosting an NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) on […]

by × June 7, 2012 ×

The Numbers Game

Engineering has been included among several Auburn graduate programs to receive high rankings from U.S. News & World Report’s “America’s Best Graduate Schools,” which was released in March. The college ranked 40th among public universities and 67th nationally, while the industrial and systems engineering program is 15th among public universities […]

by × June 7, 2012 ×

Taking Care of Friction

Auburn Engineering has established a new minor in tribology and lubrication science — one of only a few programs in the nation focused on the contact, friction, wear and lubrication of surfaces. Tribology’s applications range widely, from bearings, engines and manufacturing, to human joint replacement, to nanotechnology, oil product chemistry, […]

by × June 7, 2012 ×

The Host with the Most

Auburn University’s Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) student chapter hosted the IIE Southeast Regional Student Conference in February. More than 150 industrial engineering students from 11 schools around the Southeast participated in the event, which included a technical paper competition, a tour of the KIA plant in West Point, Ga., […]

by × June 7, 2012 ×

Read all About it

Doctoral candidate Vivek Ahuja and graduate student Jason Cary in aerospace engineering have published a new book on missile systems design. “Project SENTINEL: Design of a Long-Range, High-Speed, Precision-Strike Tactical Weapon” discusses software tools developed in the department and outlines the missile design process from basic parameters to final production […]

by × June 7, 2012 ×

Business-Engineering as Usual

Auburn University’s Thomas Walter Center for Technology Management, along with the Business-Engineering-Technology (B-E-T) program and the new Auburn Student Inventor’s Club, recently held its second annual Invention2Venture (i2v) Apprentice Challenge workshop, a program that equips students with entrepreneurial skills. Twenty-one students on five teams heard from a panel of entrepreneurs […]

by × June 7, 2012 ×

Recognizing a Good Thing

Hector Galicia, a graduate student in chemical engineering, has been awarded one of five Computing and Systems Technology (CAST) student travel grants from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). The grants are awarded each year to assist promising graduate students with travel expenses to the organization’s annual meeting. Galicia […]

by × June 7, 2012 ×

Into the Lab: Aerospace

Noise-induced hearing loss is caused by a sound’s power, as well as the amount of time it is heard — an occupational hazard for military pilots. Brian Thurow, W. Allen and Martha Reed associate professor, is working to reduce this risk along with researchers from the University of Mississippi’s National […]

by × June 7, 2012 ×