It’s My Job

It’s My Job: Lauren Hicks

It’s My Job: Lauren Hicks

A conversation with YETI design engineer Lauren Hicks, a 2022 materials engineering alumna who’s job is definitely cooler than most.

by × May 20, 2024 ×
It’s My Job: Corey Cooper

It’s My Job: Corey Cooper

A conversation with paddle boarding power broker and lifestyle luminary Corey Cooper, a 2005 mechanical engineering grad who’s not afraid to rock the BOTE.

by × December 6, 2023 ×
It’s My Job: Allyson McKinney

It’s My Job: Allyson McKinney

Why is Allyson McKinney the bee’s knees? Because her company’s technology can find the bee’s knees. From 15 meters away.

by × May 19, 2023 ×
It’s My Job: Joseph Pelfrey

It’s My Job: Joseph Pelfrey

“My priority role is to assist our center director, Jody Singer, in the day-to-day leadership of all center activities. This includes ensuring we are delivering on our mission assignments, managing the budget, risk and schedule for successful programmatic execution.”

by × December 15, 2022 ×
It’s My Job: Chris Scott

It’s My Job: Chris Scott

The 2016 industrial and systems engineering graduate manage projects at five international data centers in Latin America

by × May 13, 2022 ×
It’s My Job: Akash Shettannavar

It’s My Job: Akash Shettannavar

“Auburn’s industrial and systems engineering program was a great fit for me as it offered the occupational safety and ergonomics (OSE) graduate certificate along with industrial and systems engineering courses.”

by × December 16, 2021 ×
It’s My Job: Steve Hamilton

It’s My Job: Steve Hamilton

“Auburn taught me how to think rationally and problem solve. My ability to analyze systems guides the way that I approach each case, the way that I visualize the problems to be solved and the way that I plan each step of my procedures.”

by × May 19, 2021 ×
It’s My Job: Eddie Seay

It’s My Job: Eddie Seay

He didn’t invent the chicken sandwich. Just the chicken sandwich app.

by × December 14, 2020 ×
It’s My Job: Katelyn Rheinlander

It’s My Job: Katelyn Rheinlander

Katelyn Rheinlander spends her days solving problems at the largest Frito-Lay facility in North America.

by × June 7, 2020 ×
John Carter and Anthony Tolliver

It’s My Job: John Carter

“We help teams shoot the basketball better.”

by × December 20, 2019 ×