Recent Articles

Be the Creed: Sushil Adhikari

Be the Creed: Sushil Adhikari

Sushil Adhikari, Alumni Professor of biosystems engineering, is from Nepal. He’s proud of Nepal. He misses it. But in terms of providing an environment that could fuel his passion, there’s just no comparison to his home for the past 12 years. Because fuel is his passion, and when it comes to the kind Adhikari is interested in, Alabama’s needle is on full.

by × December 14, 2020 ×
Be the Creed: Dwynell Piner

Be the Creed: Dwynell Piner

“We had to change up the way we did things, but it was all for the safety of our people.”

by × December 14, 2020 ×
Be the Creed: John Watson

Be the Creed: John Watson

John Watson, ’60 mechanical engineering, knew he wanted to attend Auburn from an early age.

by × December 14, 2020 ×
It’s My Job: Eddie Seay

It’s My Job: Eddie Seay

He didn’t invent the chicken sandwich. Just the chicken sandwich app.

by × December 14, 2020 ×


The latest happenings from the college.

by × December 14, 2020 ×
Rapid Response

Rapid Response

It was March 22. Chris Spiker didn’t have to guess which garage was Michael Zabala’s. On a normal Sunday afternoon, he might have thought he was looking at someone gearing up to mow the lawn. But during a pandemic? The guy in the medical mask bent over a work table covered in wires and tubes was a dead giveaway.

by × July 20, 2020 ×


The latest happenings from the college.

by × June 7, 2020 ×
Rapid Response

Rapid Response

Auburn engineers have faced the COVID-19 pandemic head-on.

by × June 7, 2020 ×
Securing Our Nation

Securing Our Nation

Auburn Engineering is on the forefront of securing our nation — and world.

by × June 7, 2020 ×
Securing Our Infrastructure

Securing Our Infrastructure

The McCrary Institute for Cyber and Critical Infrastructure Security is helping to thwart the nation’s biggest threats.

by × June 7, 2020 ×