Recent Articles

Securing Our Elections

Securing Our Elections

Two nationally recognized programs at Auburn University are prepare election officials for new challenges.

by × June 7, 2020 ×
Securing Our Communications

Securing Our Communications

Auburn Engineering researchers are working toward unbreakable quantum encryption.

by × June 7, 2020 ×
Securing Our Transportation

Securing Our Transportation

GAVLAB researchers are improving upon the miracle of GPS to make life better, and safer.

by × June 7, 2020 ×
Transportation Innovation

Transportation Innovation

Auburn will soon have one of the nation’s only autonomous
vehicle research facilities attached to a test track.

by × June 7, 2020 ×
It’s My Job: Katelyn Rheinlander

It’s My Job: Katelyn Rheinlander

Katelyn Rheinlander spends her days solving problems at the largest Frito-Lay facility in North America.

by × June 7, 2020 ×
Be the Creed: Jeffery Turnipseed

Be the Creed: Jeffery Turnipseed

I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.

by × June 7, 2020 ×
Be the Creed: Lauren Beckingham

Be the Creed: Lauren Beckingham

I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.

by × June 7, 2020 ×
Be the Creed: Jerry Van Tuyl

Be the Creed: Jerry Van Tuyl

I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all

by × June 7, 2020 ×
Be the Creed: Rekha Menon-Varma

Be the Creed: Rekha Menon-Varma

I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.

by × June 7, 2020 ×
From The Faculty: Simulating Urban Air Mobility

From The Faculty: Simulating Urban Air Mobility

Several barriers must first be overcome before widespread adoption of Urban Air Mobility is a possibility.

by × June 7, 2020 ×