Recent Articles

Just incredible

Just incredible

Radio show, biochemistry class, prepare for SGA Senate meeting, lunch meeting with SGA president, thermodynamics class, lead Senate meeting, complete homework. It’s just a typical day in the life of Justin Smith. Smith, a junior in chemical engineering and newly elected SGA vice president, could use another hour, or 12, […]

by × May 11, 2017 ×
Finishing strong

Finishing strong

Through the generous support of alumni, corporate partners and friends, the college has raised more than $221.1 million as it closes in on the end of Because This is Auburn – A Campaign for Auburn University. The campaign, which ends in December, has brought in record donations for the university, […]

by × May 11, 2017 ×
53 Game-changers: Asha-Dee Celestine

53 Game-changers: Asha-Dee Celestine

Asha-Dee Celestine, assistant professor in aerospace engineering, likes to think three-dimensionally. With a research interest in advancing additive manufacturing and 3-D printing to create new multifunctional materials, she sees the opportunity to use these materials not only in the aerospace community, but for medical and nanotechnology applications. After receiving her […]

by × May 11, 2017 ×
Take a ride on the Lo-No bus

Take a ride on the Lo-No bus

The Federal Transit Administration has awarded Auburn University $1.5 million to test and assess components used in low or no-emission public transit buses. Auburn was one of only two universities selected for competitive funding in the federal Low and No-Emission Component Assessment Program, also known as LoNo-CAP. Auburn and Ohio […]

by × May 11, 2017 ×
53 Game-changers: Brendan Higgins

53 Game-changers: Brendan Higgins

Have you ever looked at algae growing in a pond and wondered if it can fuel your car? Probably not. But this is a serious question for Brendan Higgins, assistant professor of biosystems engineering. Higgins is part of Auburn University’s team of researchers studying scalable energy conversion science and technology. […]

by × May 11, 2017 ×
The wizarding world of materials engineering

The wizarding world of materials engineering

Materials engineering doctoral student Armin VahidMohammadi won first place in the Materials Research Society’s Science as Art competition for his depiction of an engineered nanomaterial as Lord Voldemort, the villain from the “Harry Potter” movie series. Using a scanning electron microscope, VahidMohammadi was examining particles of an engineered nanomaterial when […]

by × May 11, 2017 ×
53 Game-changers: Carlos Carrero

53 Game-changers: Carlos Carrero

Carlos Carrero, assistant professor in chemical engineering, has been around the world and back again. He graduated with his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of the Andes in Venezuela and earned his doctoral degree in natural science from the Technical University of Berlin in Germany. Following completion of […]

by × May 11, 2017 ×

Remarkable research

Auburn Engineering students were honored with top prizes at Auburn’s “This is Research: Student Symposium 2017.” Undergraduate first-place winners in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics category were Jennifer Kaczmarek of chemical engineering for her oral presentation and David Hall of chemical engineering and Ethan Hofer of materials engineering in […]

by × May 11, 2017 ×
53 Game-changers: Frances O’Donnell

53 Game-changers: Frances O’Donnell

Frances O’Donnell, assistant professor in civil engineering, is considered an expert on the world’s most abundant natural resource – water. Her research centers on ecohydrology, or the relationships between vegetation and the water cycle. Her passion developed while she was earning her bachelor’s in biology from Harvard University. “The beauty […]

by × May 11, 2017 ×
E-Day brings brightest minds to campus

E-Day brings brightest minds to campus

Auburn Engineering’s annual E-Day drew more than 5,000 students, parents and friends to campus, making it the largest attendance to date for the event. E-Day serves as an open house to give seventh- through 12th-graders an opportunity to meet with current engineering students, go on interactive department tours and discover […]

by × May 11, 2017 ×